
Every child needs a uniform

kids4school’s ministry includes providing the necessary uniform to attend school, and we do this through our sponsorship program.  With over 1000 students in the program this is quite a task.

For a child to go to school in Tanzania they are expected to have a uniform.  Unfortunately the families we work with are so poor this is very difficult and presents real hardship.  Their main priority is survival and of course with constant drought and the ensuing crop failure this is understandable.






We have been sourcing uniforms wherever we can get them.  However, now with our own seamstress in place in our Vocation Training Centre we are producing uniforms ourselves, while at the same time providing training for students so they can make uniforms too.  Once trained, they will be able to get a job or we will set them up in their own small business making uniforms and we will purchase from them.


This is truly an outworking of the truth – by helping a child you are helping a family.